Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween. Boo.

When did Halloween become like Christmas with bad makeup? Seriously, I don't understand how this happened. One day, I was a 12 year old walking around my suburban neighborhood in a sailor suit, and the next day adults were pondering "what to do for Halloween."

Here's what adults should do for Halloween: They should give out candy. The end.

It must be said that I hate dressing up in stupid costumes. I really hate having to come up with one, I hate being uncomfortable, I hate having to admire other people's stupid costumes, and I generally don't like Halloween parties because they feature two things I hate: Tortilla chips and women wearing bunny ears or whiskers painted on their faces. Fifty years of feminism, friends. Anyway, years ago, I went to a Halloween party where I used to live - lovely Inverness, California. I was a sexy bar girl, wearing a cast-off $2000 dress of my sister's. I met a guy there who was dressed as - remember this was a long time ago - as the wounded guy in The English Patient, completely wrapped in bandages.

I talked to him for about three hours, never saw him again (I think), and I still don't know what he looked like. Would you give your number to a man whose face was completely bandaged? I didn't.

So there you go. I hate Halloween.


eM said...

ha ha ha

it all seems rather silly and often pathetic -

Valerie said...

What does Hapa Boy mean? And why can't we use his real name (just the first one)?

I, on the other hand, will be Ellwood Blues for Halloween because women look good in men's suits.

Mother of Dog said...

Hapa means 1/2 Asian - which he is, his mother is from Taiwan.

I am not allowed to divulge sources on this blog. :)

Maria Shimizu Christensen said...

1. Hapas rule! (I know this because I am one - hah ;-)
2. Yes. Agreed. Hand out candy. Take pictures. The end.
3. Welcome back!