Monday, October 20, 2008

The Blogger Stumbles....Again

Yes, yes, haven't posted in months apology-cakes. Here's a wrap-up of what I've been doing:

1. Working. Gah.
2. Dog walking.
3. Noting that the summer, she is gone, and it is now raining.
4. Going to a writing residency at Jentel in Wyoming. Gloriousness.
5. Writing nearly 100 pages of a new novel. (RIP, old novel).
6. Acquiring a Gentleman Caller. (I've moved from terminally single to singleish. More on this as it develops.)

So I've been busy. But final word is that I'm staying in Seattle, I like it here, all is well, it rains a lot, Brutto is happy, Wyoming rocked, my guy is so incredibly sweet and lovely it scares me. Which tells you how neurotic I am. As if you doubted it.

1 comment:

eM said...

i just want to go on record as saying - this weather reminds me of the first year we lived here... that's how I got suckered into staying! all subsequent autumns haven;t been nearly so long and lovely Then there are the winters - well, you know how I feel about THAT.
I still want to go home nearly everyday - every three or four in summer