Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let's Get Her Barefoot and See If She Likes it Then.

Click here to see the book cover "What to Do When Your Daughter Hates Being in the Kitchen."

Yes, "this is a great little e-book for parents that need fresh ideas to help their daughter realize the impact of serving others with our time and skills from the kitchen."

There are those that believe the impact of my serving others with my skills in the kitchen is equal to that of a comet hitting Manhattan. But don't you love the look on that girl's face? I'm totally ordering this. Come on, what a great stocking stuffer for the rebellious female adolescent on your gift list. (And who doesn't know one of those?) This will learn her.

Now I personally think buying this ebook is too easy. What you should do with a daughter like that is put that traitor to her gender in the stocks for a few hours, throw old tomatoes at her head, and let the preacher try to fire and brimstone her out of being a FEMALE not interested in COOKING. Yeah, then she'll go whip up some fudge like a good girl.

But that's me. ;)


eM said...

i'd say - mom, get out of the kitchen. cuz it's probably you

Elspeth said...

C'mon now, MOD. Although our worldviews are totally different, I think you're a smart woman. Too smart to write posts solely for the purpose of taking stabs at women who have beliefs different than your own.

As for the subject of the e-Book in question, whether or not you agree with the idea of women in the kitchen, part of the job of parents is to teach children that sometimes you have to do stuff that you may not enjoy. It's a part of life and people who don't learn this lesson early on don't fare well. You know, responsibility, maturity, duty, and all that other icky stuff. If you can teach them to find even a modicum of enjoyment in something they see purely as work, then that's a good thing. I hope we can at least agree on that.

And I think you meant "traitor" to her gender. Or was that some kind of pun that I missed (dunce that I am)?

Mother of Dog said...

Well, I wasn't taking shots - I thought it was funny. :) I never meant this blog to be taken so seriously, you know. Then again, I don't want to offend you because I rather admire you. But the expression on that girl's face IS hilarious in my opinion!

Now I definitely agree that parents should teach their children to do things they don't always like. (My mother tried at various times to teach me to sew, crochet and knit. As have others - I just seem to be all thumbs in that department). But the fact that this is pointed towards GIRLS is amusing. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that point.

Oh, and typo alert! Thanks. I'm sloppy about that at times.

Mother of Dog said...

But you know...eM could have a point. ;)

Elspeth said...

I concede that it IS a humorous photo.


Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

The picture you have posted is private property and protected under copyright. Either remove it or I will report it to Blogger.

Grown women making fun of other people. Sad.

Mother of Dog said...

No it isn't - there's no copyright with an eBook. But I'm happy to remove it.

A sense of humor is an awfully helpful antidote to life! I really hope you develop one at some point. :)

Mother of Dog said...

By the way, thanks for reading! :)

Mother of Dog said...

You know, I'm pleased to have readers of all kinds at my blog, but honestly people - I'm not trying to speak for all feminists or all liberals or all Jews or all ANYTHING. I'm just one person that you are welcome to disagree with. This was never meant to be a political blog - I started it to keep my friends up to date when I moved. I mean, it was personal.

So I'm a little puzzled as to how this whole thing evolved, quite frankly.

But here are the FAQs: If something is funny, I post it. If something moves me, I post it. If I have a random thought, I post it. I'm not out to offend necessarily, although I'm sure I do at times, and I'm not out to make anyone a happy heathen liberal like me. These are just my thoughts. If you can't stand the heat and all that. ;)

Oh, and Kathy? That photo is public domain. Blogger would not insist I remove it. However, I do so as a courtesy to a fellow Blogger. You're welcome.

eM said...

well. poop.
I am offended that you removed a photo because some random blogger lacks a sense of humor. so sad.
didn't god say something about those who can laugh at themsleves will get the best seat in heaven or something?
eM, Adam's wife

p.s I just want to say that Adam can needlepoint and knit and stuff, but he only does so while wearing a tool belt. Also, I am pretty sure I was put on this earth to vacuum

Mother of Dog said...

Well, I'm just guessing it might be the daughter of the disgruntled humor-free one, and Lord knows I wouldn't want to cause any adolescent trauma.

I mean, clearly that girl has enough problems with her mama in the kitchen. ;)

Elspeth said...

I was simply imagining one of my 6 girls (the only one NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY interested in being capable of cooking something to feed herself), being the one in a picture like that one. She is quite photogenic and at the sight of a camera would have turned on her megawatt smile even though I know she really doesn't like being in the kitchen all that much.

Unless it's to be taste tester, lol. THAT'S why I thought the photo was humorous. Not to make fun of other women.

You know, I read this post the other day by a Christian blogger lamenting Christian's inability to laugh at themselves. She even went so far as to call it a character defect. I agree with her so I really am not offended by your post.

I was just adding a little parental perspective is all.

Elspeth said...

By the way, I make fun of myself on my blog: ALL.THE.TIME.

Does that excuse me poking fun at another sister? No. It wasn't my intent.

For those who may wonder why I visit here in the first place, knowing that MOD doesn't share a belief in the things I hold most dear?

It's because I am able to appreciate good qualities in any and everyone, no matter how much we may not have in common. As a matter of fact, since you are honest about your doubts, MOD, it makes it that much easier for me to deal with you sometimes than with those within my faith that have a holier than thou attitude.

Hey, Jesus hung with the real dreggs of society: tax collectors, winos, prostitutes, and such. And I can't even have a virtual conversation with a liberal heathen Jew every now and then? How Christian is that?

All I can hope for is that as I extend true Chrisitan love to those who don't believe, they understand that not every Christian is a judgemental, sanctimonious person and maybe, just maybe, they'll be open to hear the true message of the gospel.

But one thing's for certain: it ain't gonna happen if they feel judged and ridiculed at every turn. And it saddens me that we don't know that.

Jesus saved His scorn for the religious folk who were so heavenly minded that they were no earthly good.

Sorry for the book, MOD, this is just one of my sore spots.

You're still a heathen, girl, but I was one once too, LOL.

Mother of Dog said...

Aww...I heart you, Terry. ;) I try to remember that I really don't know it all. I'm not a believer, but that doesn't mean I don't respect faith itself. The truth is that I very much respect you and Amy and Heather others who visit here and struggle with Biblical living in a contemporary world. I don't choose it and I don't share in it, but I do respect it.

It's interesting, because although I never meant this blog to be a political space, I'm encouraged by interactions with those who don't share my beliefs as it gives us the opportunity to be people and not banners. I can say that while I don't agree with your worldview, I like your gentle humor and your spunk and intelligence.

So it's Cognitive Dissonance. So shoot me. :)

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amy said...

Awww...I have been away from computers for a couple of days...I come back and find all this love.

I feel like a group hug is in order.

authenticallyme said...

I love this, by Terry:

***It's because I am able to appreciate good qualities in any and everyone, no matter how much we may not have in common. As a matter of fact, since you are honest about your doubts, MOD, it makes it that much easier for me to deal with you sometimes than with those within my faith that have a holier than thou attitude.***

Yes, I like to see the 'loveliness' in all people. I love intelligence, I love things beautiful, and i try my best to love people. For who they are. the Reality of who they are. Only then can you get intimate with someone. A mutual unveiling and transparency to one another. Today, if nonbelievers are willing to go to that place with me, Im there! And conversion is not my goal! I just want to love people and learn. I cant convert anyone anyway!

Bethany Hudson said...

Well, for what it's worth, I thought it was a funny post :) After all the hoopla over at Kelly's blog, I thought I check your blog out, too, since everyone else seemed to be :) Hope you don't mind.

You know, I never liked the title of that e-book. Not that I don't think daughters should learn to cook; they should! But so should the boys. Whose to say my son isn't going to end up single? Should he be condemned to a life of delivery pizza and boxed macaroni and cheese just because he doesn't have a wife?

There's nothing "feminine" about being a good cook or even wanting to cook (just ask my MIL or my grandmother--both of whom HATE to cook and are, quite frankly, terrible at it.) Still, while I think wives have a Biblical responsibility to provide sustenance for their families, I don't think that's any reason men shouldn't learn to cook. I can't tell you how many meals my husband has had to prepare while I've been doubled over with morning sickness. So, see, even the patriarchal married guys need to cook now and then! Either that, or they're going to go hungry from time to time :-P


Mother of Dog said...

Thanks, Bethany. I think you're very smart and cool, actually. (Also glowing with pregnancy. You just look super gorgeous.)

I've actually thought about getting that ebook because I don't like cooking. Then again, I cooked for Hapa Boy on Valentine's Day and it was a pretty good meal, if I say so myself.

Congratulations on your upcoming event!