Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The No, Thanks Post

And....Thanksgiving, that celebration of gluttony and killing a whole bunch of Native Peoples (sadly without writing down any recipe that doesn't involve dry turkey.) Why do we celebrate this again? And don't even get me started on the two years I watched S. baste his Tofurky, an eating experience that can only be likened to toasting cardboard and dipping in butter. I'm still repulsed by the pleasure he took in woofing down those tasteless brown pieces of vegetarian goo.

But Blogger that I am, I am duly sucked into the blogosphere of The Thankful Post where unknown people offer up a list of unfamiliar items and/or people for which they give thanks. Mothers thank Diaper Genies (and despite my long list of child-bearing friends, I still don't know what a Diaper Genie is), wipeables, and toddlers that finally take to toilet-training, students thank teachers for that easy class, and partners gush about each other. I've always had a problem with those sappy dedications in books to wives and husbands. I happen to know that not every writer has an astounding, completely supportive marriage/relationship so why all the "And finally, to my husband Earl WhippedCream, without whom I would not only not have written this book, I'd have stopped breathing and walked into a river with heavy stones in my pockets." I'll go with "Once Again to Zelda" if only because sweet old F. Scott copped to plagarizing from her.

But I digress.

Anyway, forgive me for grousing, but I thought a list of what I wasn't thankful for might change things up a bit. So here are a few things I'd like to offer my No, Thanks for:
  • Employers that have laid off friends.
  • Employers that haven't hired friends.
  • The s**t Obama is about to have to deal with.
  • Tiny Seattle parking lots.
  • Dog hair explosions.
  • Moths in my best cashmere sweater.
  • People who still believe they get to say who gets to marry.
  • People who don't get that playing an Ipod really loud on a bus means that I get to hear frackin' Justin Timberlake along with them.
  • All those women on the View who seem to think yelling is entertaining.
Ahhhh. Can't we do this at Thanksgiving dinner? I think we'd all feel better to have a day when we're invited to complain. But then I'm Jewish. It's practically a sport in my family.

In all fairness, I do have a lot to be thankful for, particularly this year. I'm grateful that Obama is in office, that Michelle Obama can dress with mad skillz, that my dog(s) are healthy and happy and poop regularly, that I live in this wonderful city with great friends, that I still have work, and that I spent a month in Wyoming. Oh and that I bought a Kara Janx dress for $20 on Ebay.

Of course I'm very thankful for my lovely, sexy Hapa Boy and all his many kindnesses. I'm thankful every day I wake up next to him that he is such a good man, and that I am lucky enough to have such a good man in my life.

I hope he's thankful for me.

1 comment:

amy said...

Hi mother of dog. I would like to say hi. I'm Amy. I made the comment over at generation cedar about how it seems you're trying to convince yourself. I didn't want to be one to comment to you and you not even know who I am! I was not trying to be rude, so I certainly hope you didn't take it that way. I was really talking about my impression. In my experience with people, they often repeat themselves and much later admit to it being an attempt to stir belief in themselves on the issue, not really in others. I realized though, how short my comment sounded and wanted to apologize if it sounded rude to you.

I also wanted to say I know your heart. I have been there in my life and most of my family still is. I read your comments on gen. cedar as if I were listening to certain friends and family members. I perused your blog and saw so much of people I love.

We disagree. Really. I agree with about90% of what Kelly says, so we really disagree. But I get so overwhelmed by the sparks that fly over there...can't you feel them sometimes? I speak Truth to my loved ones, but if it ever got heated, my mouth would shut. Jesus says we need to be peacemakers, as He is. I can allow comments from my family to be overlooked because I will not be a party to controversy. The Lord will move in their lives when He chooses, but I need to follow His example and show love. If that means I hold my tongue, then I will.

I don't even know if this makes sense. I really just wanted to introduce myself, explain my comment and tell you that God does exist, He loves you and I hope you find Him. There is an amazing peace in knowing Truth.