Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Thought We Could.

Last night I felt I was not only seeing history - I had made it. A perfect storm of underwhelming campaign, ill-advised choices, eight years of limping presidency, an inspired candidate and a fed-up constituency swept a new rule over the land. I mean, even John McCain behaved with dignity, and the crowd in Chicago had me weeping a lot harder than Sarah Palin.

Because we could.

We could elect a smart, educated man.

We could decide that things do not have to continue to get worse.

We could have a First Lady with moxie and fashion sense.

We could be proud of our country and our choices.

But in this great future, you can't forget your past as Bob Marley once eloquently put it. I hope we'll be gracious winners and try not to berate those who disagree with us. Hey, some people think abortion is a sin. Some people have this weird notion that gay marriage is an abomination (although those are not the people that witness the strong and abiding love that J. and J. have for each other, because if they did I'm sure they'd be moved by it.) But surely we're not going to change their minds by calling them idiots. I mean, when has that ever helped anyone's cause?

By moving to Seattle this year, I've learned that I'm more flexible than I thought I was but I've also learned that forgiveness is not my strong suit. I've learned that making a change is not nearly as hard as committing to changing in general. I've learned that a boyfriend doesn't have to be problematic and difficult - he can be cute and kind and funny and supportive without being a pushover (thanks, Hapa Boy.)

Am I staying here? Yes. Because I can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

at some point, though, you are drawn to the inescapable conclusion that they are stupid, in some way. take sherri shepard and her not believing in evolution, for example. sherri is a nice woman, and really funny, but at a particular level, evolution isn't something you "believe" in; it's something demonstrable. people who are incapable of seeing that are stupid.