Sunday, June 15, 2008

Seattle: A Love Song

After my fit of the mean reds on Friday, I'm happy to say that the weekend improved. I worked all day on Saturday, true, but I did it at Cafe Zoka, where I watched the world go by and said hello to some lovely dogs. It was warm enough for Iced Cappucino, and Brutto and I went around the Lake (where I learned that he has a lot of schnauzer in him - so said a breeder walking with HER brood, and it was true they did "Arooooo" from happiness like him.)

Today though was the kind of day that makes residents of this murky city look a coming winter in the eye with a brave smile. It was sunny and 70 perfect degrees, and I decided to take the lovely B. - recently arrived from Paris, where she is the bestest friend of one of my bestest friends C - downtown to Le Pichet for brunch. It is the most Parisian spot in Seattle, serving a brunch that doesn't include weighty eggs or heavy pancakes. Ah! Mon Dieu! C'est formidable!

I love Le Pichet and I rediscovered my love for B, my favorite person from C's list of friends in Paris. We sipped Evian, but admired those sipping wine in the afternoon. Dear readers, I wish I was the sort of person who could sip wine in the afternoon without tumbling down a flight of stairs as a result of two sips. Alas, you all know I am not.

We took our sober selves to the Market where we were trampled by what appeared to a group of unleashed Real Housewives of Dallas or some such. (Ladies, when you apply your make-up, consider putting down the trowel and backing away. And if you gasp when you walk, your clothes are too tight or your shoes are pinching. Neither is attractive.) Finally we walked to the Olympic Sculpture Park, one of Seattle's loveliest vistas.

And now...guess what? I'm working again. Still - it was an awfully nice day.

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